Sarah has been flying the Confident Kids flag as a guest expert on a number of platforms
Podcast Guest - SENDcast - Should everyone learn to sign? Moving away from an interpreter model
Podcast Guest - SENDcast - Using Visuals to Support Transition
Sarah Billingham Archives - SENDcast (thesendcast.com)
Podcast Guest - SENDcast - Choosing a School
Choosing a School with Sarah Billingham from the SENDcast
Podcast Guest - SENDcast - Helping Children to Listen
Helping Children to Listen with Sarah Billingham from the SENDcast
Podcast Guest - Twinkl Talks EYFS - Behaviour Talks
Twinkl Talks: EYFS: Episode 22: Behaviour Talks with Sarah Billingham on Apple Podcasts
Podcast Guest - Twinkl EYFS - Signing
Twinkl Talks: EYFS: Episode 32: Signing on Apple Podcasts
Podcast Guest - Brainy Moms - What parents need to know about speech and language development
Guest blogs
Tips for reducing separation anxiety – The SEN Expert (blog)
Ivy's Guest Book: Sarah Billingham, Co-Founder, Confident Kids - Ivy's Library (ivyslibrary.com)