It’s understandable. You’re trying hard not to compare your child to other children, but keep wondering if they’ll ever catch up with their peers... and why they’re struggling so much in the first place!
Why aren’t they talking like the other children their age?
Why don’t they want to sit still and play imaginatively, while others get lost in a world of fun? Why does your child always end up upset or angry, on what should be even the simplest of outings?
It’s understandable you feel lost, discouraged... helpless.
You feel guilty every time you shirk off a playdate because you just don’t have the energy to deal with the outbursts anymore, especially in public. And you’ve started avoiding eye contact completely when it comes to nursery pick-up because you can’t face another conversation about what challenging behaviour your little one showed today.
You worry that you’re letting them down. That it’s your fault...
You wish putting a screen on to get things done didn’t feel like the only option. You worry it’s making your child’s interaction worse... but what else can you do if encouraging free-play leaves your child frustrated and sad?
No-one else seems to fully understand. Not even your partner - who doesn’t seem as worried about this as you are...
It wasn’t meant to be this hard...
The good news is - it doesn’t have to be!
The ‘Confident Communicators’ 1:1 Parents Coaching package was created specifically for you.
With this 12-week coaching package, together we will:
Begin to really understand your child’s communication needs and why they are doing some of things which don’t quite make sense (yet)
Decide on easy-to-use communications tools and techniques which will improve everyday family life
Come up with a plan to connect with your child in genuine two-way interactions which will beautifully strengthen your bond with them
Practise using communication tools which will help your child to ask for what they want and need
Work out how to best support your child to play for longer with other children and on their own
Look at how we can support your child in feeling more confident in themselves so they interact more with others
This package is for you if:
Your child lashes out when they want something and doesn’t understand why they can't have it here and now
You’re exhausted from the emotional outbursts that your little one is experiencing, regularly
Your child isn’t hitting the milestone in their red book and you want to know why they can't communicate as confidently as kids
You’re tired of doubting your parenting abilities and wishing family life was different
You’re desperate to experience less frustration and more time spent having fun with your child
You’d love a clear plan that both you and your whole family can follow so you all know what to do and can celebrate the wins together too
You need ideas for downtime that will keep your child occupied for long enough that you can do other things you need to do
You want to be the best parent possible for your child but currently feel way out of your depth!
You long to feel more supported by someone who gets it and the idea of having a friendly professional in your back pocket sounds AMAZING.
What’s included:
Initial 1:1 consultation via Zoom (up to 1 hour)
5 x fortnightly 45min 1:1 coaching sessions to walk you through a clear plan of action
Ongoing emails/messaging support as you implement the strategies we decide on
Signposting to relevant training videos, resources & support services to help you better understand all your child’s needs
Resources & tools to use at home with your child
Total Investment = £750
Payment plans also available
Sounds great but have questions? Please don’t hesitate to get in touch!
“When we contacted you my confidence that my son’s behaviour struggles were a phase was dwindling and I was overwhelmed by differing parenting advice. An upcoming observation by a SEN advisor made me realise there may be long-term needs that we’d never really considered as parents.
After working with you, we now have way less shouting, positive feedback from nursery at every pick up, shorter-lived outbursts and overall a huge amount of clarity over how to support our little boy’s emotions in incredibly simple, practical ways.
Conversations were very informal, and we felt very well supported throughout. You’ve changed a huge part of our life and we now know so much more about how to parent our son in a positive, constructive way.
I’m actually looking forward to sharing our son’s toolkit with his primary school and avoiding being blindsided by humps in the road.”